Saturday, April 30, 2016

Rainbow week day 3

Well it looks like rainbow week will be extended another week.
It was another busy week, and we just haven't been able to get much done.  It also didn't help that I spent 3 days of it waiting for my liquid watercolors to come, so we could do some fun rainbow activities, when I had them all along.  They came in a small package while I was running out the door to pick up the girls from school, so I just threw it inside thinking it was work stuff for Matt, since most of his orders look like that.  Well 3 days later, I was checking my order status and getting riled up at UPS for delivering to the wrong address and on top of that saying that they gave it to a woman customer.  How could they accept a package knowing it wasn't theirs?  Why didn't they just tell UPS it was the wrong house.  Well Matt overheard my venting, and said the package came already.  It did?  Yes 3 days ago, you handed it to me when you were leaving. 
Oops!  Well why didn't you say so?  

Anyway, I haven't got around to using them yet, as we had a couple play dates since then, and there just hasn't been time.  But here are our Wednesday activities...

Here's that rainbow we were working on the other day
adding yarn to complete the rainbow effect. 


That's Keira's hand trying to steal it

Meanwhile Alli is in the bedroom playing with her ponies
totally uninterested in what we are doing

We decided to read the Elmer book finally

Working on making Elmer's


I did one too

Emily is taking pictures

Another Emily pic

Alli dropped by to check out the scene but didn't want
to make Elmer

It was a short day for us.  Sometimes we have time to do the activities, but the girls are playing nicely on their own so I never disrupt that.  And some days they are really doing well playing without fights or issues, so between that and school, various activities, and trips over the hill, we don't end up doing much theme stuff.  We need more time in the day!

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Rainbow week continues, day 2

I was too tired to post last night, so I'm still a couple days behind. This is Tuesday's post.   It was a rare day in that we were able to stay home which was very nice and we were able to do much more. Emily of course went to school in the morning, Alli had speech therapy with her new teacher.  It took her a while to warm up to her, but she eventually did. She didn't let me put the hearing aides in, but she did wear the left one the whole time at school yesterday, so we are improving!   Still a no for the right ear, which means we need to ask the doctor about that, but luckily we have an appointment at Stanford on May 2nd, so maybe we can get to the bottom of this issue.  btw she said bubble today in speech therapy, first time I've heard her say that!  Not a whole lot else to say, so I will move right along to the pictures...

Playing with the rainbow table. I thought it was
neat that she was adding the colored squares inside
the rainbow "tunnel".

Checking out the rainbow shelves.

I thought this was cool, I don't have a picture of
what this should look like, which is a small triangular
cone.  But Alli turned it into a rocket ship looking
thing.  Thinking outside the box!

Rainbow Play doh mat  all set up

She did not like this one.  I was surprised because
she loves play doh, but she found rolling out the play
doh to make thin ribbons too difficult.  She didn't like
that her play doh lines were thick.  I tried to show her
how to make them thinner or say that it was fine
to make them thick but she gave up at yellow.  

So we moved onto the counting bears and
graphing which she loves!  

Rolling the dice

She loves these graphing games, and loves to count
how many squares are left before they are filled up in
a certain color.

Alli was being so uncooperative that afternoon.
She's digging into the bears, ready to fling them.

I tried giving her this rainbow puzzle gluing activity which
she usually likes, but she only did one half of a
puzzle before she started trying to throw all the
papers around.

Emily had moved onto painting a rainbow, which we
had to let dry and then finish the next day.


All done painting now to dry and then add the rest

Alli decided she wanted to paint too, so I gave her the
other half of the plate to make her own rainbow.
I like how she's painting backwards lol!  And right
here it looks like a bird to me.

Tried to get Keira to do some do a dots, but she
just kept trying to eat it.  

It took about 3 minutes before the hands went in
the paint

Finally trying to make some marks.

Emily wanting to do a cutting activity next
so she is cutting out rainbows, and cutting
along the lines.  

Another photobomb!

She started sticking her hands in the paint water cup
which is too small, so I gave her this bowl to play

I had to make a phone call, so Matt took the girls
outside where they all went swimming.  Keira is
completely soaked.  If I hadn't been on the phone
when I first came out, I could have got better pics.

All dry and playing at the rainbow table

It's hard to see on this mat, but we are playing a
magnetic alphabet fishing game.  At first we did
our names, and then just went for all the

Rainbow puzzle game before bed with some
help from the destroyer 

Almost done... Keira wanted so badly to get at those
blocks and she succeeded several times.  It's so hard
to do games with her around.  

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Rainbow week is in the house!

It's rainbow week!  I'm still trying to catch up on posts, so this is from Monday.  We didn't have a whole lot of time yesterday since the girls were in school half the day, and then I had a doctors appointment over the hill in the afternoon, which of course takes the other half of the day.  We had a couple hours in between though and let me tell you, Emily couldn't wait to get started.  The first thing she asked when I picked her up from school was if the rainbow theme was set up.  When we got home she wanted to do the activities right away.  Which some of them can be seen in the picture above.  That's all her art on the walls.  The calendar I stole from our front door, she made that in school, but it fit our theme perfectly so I used it.  I actually tried finding some images on google of rainbows to print out, but I couldn't find any that I really liked, or that were big enough to print.  Then it hit me, use Emily's art!!  She's always painting, coloring, drawing etc.  so why not use it.  
In Alli news we did not have as successful of a day wearing hearing aides as we did on Sunday.  She only had them in for a couple hours total.  And today was the same story.  She pretty much sits still for the left ear, and today I tried the right ear, but she still pulls away and holds her hand over it.  So it definitely seems something is hurting. Hope that ends soon!
So here are a few pics of our theme in action yesterday...

Do a dot rainbow.  She lined all her colors up in
rainbow order before she started.  :)

She's got a helper!

Tracing letters and coloring in the rainbow
She really likes these activities for some reason
She's really into counting, letters and writing
right now.

We got out the alphabet alligators.  You match
the letters by snapping the halves together.

Keira liked to dump the basket while Alli worked on getting
the letters together.  She had just had dinner so she lost her
pants in the 

Sorry for the orange lighting but this is actually at
night.  She is playing with part of a rainbow
stacking toy.  I believe Emily had the other half.

Working at the new shelves.

Reading What Makes a Rainbow book.  She says she's
never read it before, but they have this book at
school, and then proceeded to tell me how
the story went.  But she had never read it before.  :)

These animals that she is playing with actually
come apart, and you can snap them together.
I thought she would like putting the halves together
and color matching, but she just preferred to
play with them as is.

Working hard

I have to admit I was somewhat at a loss about how to set
this table up.  So I brought everything out and just placed it around.  Later on I added bigger blocks, which I don't have a picture of right now.  The girls have been playing with it so it looks completely different now anyway.

We busted out our Hungry Caterpillar story board felt set.  It's
pretty colorful so i'm counting it as a rainbow activity.  :)

After the Hungry Caterpillar she wanted to make
a rainbow butterfly.  Matt drew the butterfly, (mine
was rejected lol!)

She cut it out and gave it to a friend at school today.  :)

If I wasn't so tired, I would do the post from today, but my eyes are telling me, that's not going to happen.  Stay tuned!