Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Jungle week day 4, and disease

Having hand, foot, and mouth disease makes life difficult with 3 kids.  First trying to keep them from spreading it to each other is impossible.  I was almost relieved when I found a suspicious spot on Keira's foot, because Emily, and Alli with her hearing issues, simply won't listen to me about not touching her.  Second, we can't do anything much outside the home, and with this nice weather that is so frustrating.  School is out, Going to the park is out.  And frankly our "yard" isn't all that desirable with Keira.  Since it's just a deck and she can't walk yet, she ends up scooting around scraping up her hands and legs.  Long story short I really can't wait until it's over.   Another issue we've been having this past week is Alli will not wear her hearing aides anymore.  I don't know what happened, but she runs crying from them now, and if I do manage to force one in her ear she sits and cries like she is being tortured.  I'm baffled because she was doing so well, wearing them pretty much all day, and even to school with no issue.  Since we've been sick, I thought maybe she had an ear infection, but we took her to the doctor and she doesn't have one.  I spoke to Stanford yesterday, and the only thing we can come up with is that maybe there is pressure in her ears from the cold, and that is making the aides uncomfortable.  Whatever it is is causing me stress, because she is going on day 5 without wearing them, and now she is getting used to not having them, and if I can ever get her to wear them again, I will have to start all over with building up her tolerance.  We had just gotten to the point where I could pretty much trust she wouldn't rip them out when I wasn't keeping an eagle eye on her.  As I write this, I have successfully got the left aide in her ear and she is keeping it in.  Yay!  I will try for the right one later.  Keeping my fingers crossed this works!  Now that I've listed all our drama for the week, here are a few pics from yesterday...

We started off our day with a lion craft.  

So I had a bunch of animal stickers that I originally
thought Alli could use to sort with.  I tried putting them in
separate containers to show her how, but she wasn't
interested, which is so different from Emily at her age,
she was the sorting queen.  Anyway she seemed interested in
the stickers so I had her peel off the backing and stick them
to paper.  She liked that much better.

Completed lion craft.  Believe it or not, she isn't in
pain, that is her smile when you ask her to smile haha!

So this little experiment didn't work as well as
I was hoping, but they still had fun.  The idea is to
make it "rain".  The shaving cream are the clouds
and then you add food coloring or liquid watercolors,
and it will drip down into the water making pretty designs.
However, we just managed to make mostly solid colors,
instead of the pretty pictures I saw on pinterest.  

You can kind of see the colors coming down here, but
it quickly turned black.  

And Alli's turned orange

We soon gave up on rain, and just started playing
with the shaving cream and color.

And then it expanded into this...

Snack time!  I made these trees for a snack and Emily was
so excited about it, saying how perfect and pretty it
was, and then didn't touch it.  lol!

So I gave it to Keira instead, who made good work of it.

And finally we are getting around to making our 
rain forest in a box.   Emily is coloring in the sky 
right now. 

Then Alli got involved

She actually spent a lot of time painting.  Tonight we will
hopefully add our trees and decorations. 

Meanwhile Keira thinks she is a hot shot because she's
sitting at the table in the big girl chairs.

That's all for now!