Monday, April 18, 2016

Our day at the beach


Well we had plans this weekend to take the girls camping at the beach with a couple of our friends.  Unfortunately the day we were supposed to go (yesterday) I noticed some weird looking bumps on Emily's feet, she said they hurt so I called the doctor and got an appointment (even on Sunday!) and sure enough, she has hand, foot and mouth.  :(   Since it is so contagious, we of course cancelled our plans not wanting to infect our friends, but Emily was beyond disappointed.  She wanted to camp so bad, and had been asking for a month to go.  Several times a week she would ask if it was time to camp, and when can we go etc.  She had her bags all packed the night before and was ready to go.  What a disappointment to come down with this stupid disease, I felt so bad for her.  Luckily she took things pretty well, but still wanted to go to the beach.  Well I figured that she couldn't do too much harm playing in the water, so off we went.  It was an awesome day to go too.  Usually my experiences at the beach in northern California are windy, cloudy, and cold.  But yesterday was so nice.  Even though we got there around 6pm it was still so warm and sunny.  Thankfully our bad day turned into a good one!

As soon as we hit the sand Em was off and running for the water

As soon as we set her down she went to work playing in the sand, 

She was so excited!

Instead of running off to the water like Emily, Alli chose
to hang out with Matt and Keira on the

Emily wanted to be a mermaid.  I had just enough time
to snap this picture before the destroyer came to
stomp on her.  You can see her shoe on the right, I was trying
to hold her back lol!

Finally Alli decided to check out the water, but wanted to be held most of the time.  At the end she got brave and had a ball playing
but then it was hard to make her go.

This girl got soaked and covered in sand and she couldn't have
been happier.  She looked like a churro at the end

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She kept crawling toward the water wanting to get wet

Then this pile of dried seaweed caught her eye, and she spent
quite a long time poking at it.